Understanding Needs

Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:April 12, 2017
End Date:January 16, 2019
Contact:Laura A Grimm, MS

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Understanding the Needs of Informal Caregivers

The "Understanding Needs" Project is designed to gain an understanding of the needs of
informal caregivers. Researchers have designed a survey to highlight activities of daily
living involved in the caregiving role, pain related to caregiver, and potential services
desired. The initial phase of the study will consist of a focus group of informal caregivers
to discuss current needs. The survey will then be refined based on knowledge gained from the
focus group, and feedback from expert researchers. The refined survey will then be
disseminated to caregivers throughout the country.

Please click on the following anonymous link to participate:

The "Understanding Needs" Project highlights the needs of informal caregivers. An informal
caregiver is defined as a person who regularly provides unpaid care to another adult. The
survey will ask about pain intensity, pain interference, and relation of pain to the
caregiving role. The survey will also address which activities the caregiver assists with,
and activities now lacking since becoming a caregiver. One focus group will be completed to
refine the contents of the survey prior to dissemination. The results will be analyzed by an
occupational therapist, with a focus on how pain may connect to assistance with daily living
activities provided to the care recipient. The needs of caregivers within the community will
be compiled to inform future involvement in remediation of needs.

Inclusion Criteria:

- At least 18 years old

- Informal caregivers (unpaid)

- have been a caregiver for > 6 months

- provide at least 8 hours of care/week

- able to read english

Exclusion Criteria:

- Less than 18 years old

- paid caregivers

- not able to read english

- Caregiver or care recipient has a terminal diagnosis with a life expectancy of less
than one year
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Fort Collins, Colorado 80523
Phone: 970-491-7562
Fort Collins, CO
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