Behavioral CVD Prevention Using Informatics

Conditions:Healthy Studies
Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:18 - 65
Start Date:September 14, 2016
End Date:June 1, 2018

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Behavioral Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Using Informatics

Overweight/obesity is strongly linked to mortality from multiple chronic diseases, including
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity-related cancers.The successful management of
overweight/obesity requires management of nutrition and physical activity over time. For
racial/ethnic minority and low-income populations, who face both higher prevalence of obesity
and chronic diseases compared to others, interventions promoting behavioral change are a
national health priority. From the available range of behavioral change intervention
strategies, there is a growing knowledge base that documents the efficacy of peer support
interventions for improving self-care, quality of life, and behavioral change. In this study,
the investigators will examine the following research question: What is the preliminary
efficacy and degree of implementation and acceptability of an intervention approach in which
peer counselors provide evidenced-based counseling about nutrition and physical activity
behaviors for weight management to public housing residents using a computer-assisted program
called CuesWeight?

Inclusion Criteria:

- Willing to wear an accelerometer

- 18-65 years old

- Public housing resident with no plans to move in next 6 months

- Body mass index ≥25

- Open to making changes to diet & physical activity habits

Exclusion Criteria:

- Currently enrolled in a comprehensive weight loss program or a research study whose
primary outcome is weight loss

- Primary language spoken is a language other than Spanish or English

- Not willing to participate in study protocols, including wearing the accelerometer,
not willing to have study staff send text messages
We found this trial at
Boston, Massachusetts 02118
Boston, MA
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