Chinese Diabetes Prevention Program (Chinese DPP)

Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:April 2012
End Date:December 2014

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Chinese Diabetes Prevention Program: An Implementation and Dissemination Study

This study is being conducted in two phases. The first phase was a pilot implementation of
the study protocol, which provided preliminary data from seeking funding for a larger scale
trial. The study focused on testing the effects of a Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) that
has been adapted culturally and linguistically to address diabetes prevention among Chinese
immigrants. Study implementation involves a variety capacity building community partnership
initiatives. Partnering organizations within New York City (NYC) have included the Chinese
Community Partnership for Health (CCPH) of New York Presbyterian Hospital of Lower Manhattan
Hospital, the Chinese American Independent Practice Association (CAIPA), the Diabetes
Research and Training Center of Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Einstein), and the City
University of New York (CUNY) School of Public Health. More recently, our collaboration has
expanded the potential for wider dissemination in collaboration with the Pace University
Confucius Center of the Confucius Institute. By supporting Chinese language and cultural
programs, the Confucius Institute facilitates communication with the 2 billion native Chinese
speakers as migration and trade increase interactions globally.

The pilot testing (Einstein Institutional Review Board Protocol #2010-491) demonstrated the
acceptability and feasibility of implementing the culturally and linguistically Chinese DPP
lifestyle protocol. The pilot study found that the intervention resulted in a significant
weight loss and trends for glycemic (HbA1c) improvement among Chinese immigrants with
prediabetes. The planned R01 funded study will address larger scale implementation to inform
wider spread dissemination within the United States and globally. Our specific aims are to:

Aim 1. Evaluate the clinical effectiveness of the implementation model in a cluster
randomized trial. Primary endpoints will include changes in weight and glycemia (HbA1c ) one
year after randomization. Secondary endpoint will include cardiovascular risk markers,
lifestyle (dietary intake and physical activity) and self-reported quality of life.

Aim 2. Evaluate the study generalizability using the RE-AIM (reach, efficacy/effectiveness,
adoption, implementation and maintenance) framework. The specific evaluation questions

Reach: How many of the eligible patients enrolled? How representative are the study
participants of the underlying population?

Efficacy/Effectiveness: How did the intervention affect participants' outcome measures?

Adoption: How acceptable were the intervention components to the participants?

Implementation: How many of the intervention components were provided as planned?

Maintenance: How much of the 1-year intervention effects are sustainable at 2-year follow-up?
What mechanisms are available for sustaining the intervention?

Aim 3. Evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the implementation model with respects to weight
and glycemic (HbA1c) change.

Aim 4. Disseminate "lessons learned" and effective program components to expand access to
effective programs within the United States via the registry developed by the Centers for
Disease Control of DPP intervention sites and to explore global dissemination issues via our
partnership with Confucius Institute.

Inclusion Criteria:

- prediabetes (A1c -5.5-6.4%),

- BMI ≥ 23 kg/m2,

- ability to read and understand Chinese,

- enrollment in CAIPA network,

- ability and willingness to provide informed consent.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Diagnosis of diabetes,

- health conditions for which the lifestyle would be contra-indicated,

- inability to provide informed,

- BMI < 23 kg/m2.
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