Using the Hunt Motivational Scale to Aid in Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance

Conditions:Obesity Weight Loss
Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:April 11, 2018
End Date:October 11, 2018
Contact:Rameck Hunt, MD

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In this study, we plan to determine the efficacy of the Hunt Motivational Scale as a tool for
weight loss compared to standard of care in the Penn Medicine Princeton Health weight
management program.

Obesity is rising at alarming rates, currently at nearly 40%. There are very few tools,
specifically questionnaires, for healthcare providers to help their patients lose weight or
maintain their weight loss. The Hunt Motivational Scale is one such tool to help patients
identify areas that need improvement in order to aid in weight loss and weight maintenance.
The HMS is designed to motivate patients to track, plan, and practice other healthy weight
loss and weight maintenance practices so that they will have success.

In this study, approximately 75 subjects in the Penn Medicine Princeton Health weight
management program will be randomly assigned to either receive the HMS or not (standard of
care). They will be followed for a period of six months at the end of which it will be
determined whether the group that received the HMS lost more weight than the control group.

Inclusion Criteria:

- patient in weight management program at Penn Medicine Princeton Health

Exclusion Criteria:

- does not have a visit every three to four weeks

- not in active weight loss phase of the program

- diminished intellectual capacity to complete questionnaire i.e. Down's syndrome
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