The Biodistribution and Potential Diagnostic Ability of 18F FACBC in Patients With Head and Neck, Breast, and Prostate Cancer

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:April 2006
End Date:April 2017

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Pilot Study Investigating the Biodistribution and Potential Diagnostic Ability of 18F FACBC in Patients With Head and Neck, Breast, and Prostate Cancer

See where the dye-like material (FACBC) goes in your body and how long it stays in your
body. See how much of the dye-like material is picked up by your tumor Compare the FACBC
pictures with other pictures (such as FDG PET scan) that were obtained as part of your
standard imaging evaluation.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age ≥ or equal 18 years old

- Scheduled for treatment at Memorial Hospital

- Primary HNSCC or primary breast cancer; histological confirmation of diagnosis at
Memorial hospital

- Large primary HNSCC cancer (loco-regional advanced, ≥ or equal to T2) by CT/MRI
imaging or clinical exam, without prior treatment, N1-N3

- Large primary breast cancer (≥ or equal to T2) by imaging or clinical impression
based physical exam; patients with suspicion of axillary nodal disease (N1-2),
without prior treatment

- Established progressive metastatic prostate cancer

- This diagnosis may be based upon histologic confirmation of metastatic disease by
biopsy of a lesion OR clear clinical evidence for metastatic disease (e.g., based on
clinical findings, laboratory data and/or imaging findings in CT, MRI, or bone scan),
as defined by the referring oncologist

- Progressive disease is defined as clear progression on imaging studies (increase in
size and number of lesions on bone scan, CT, or MRI) and consecutive rises in PSA as
used in clinical management by the prostate cancer oncology group at MSKCC

- FDG PET scan was obtained as part of the clinical work-up, within 4 weeks prior to
enrollment. This clinical FDG PET scan should be done at MSKCC.

- Disease can be clearly demonstrated by structural imaging (CT or MRI) or bone scan.
This may include characteristic bone lesions on bone scan, CT or MRI; AND/OR
measurable soft tissue/nodal lesions on CT or MRI.

- Minimum tumor/metastasis size of 1 cm

- Negative pregnancy test

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patient cannot tolerate lying still for approximately 60 minute sessions in the PET

- Pregnancy
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