Effect of Group Led Creative Writing on Mood in Cancer Patients

Status:Active, not recruiting
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:20 - Any
Start Date:March 28, 2018
End Date:April 1, 2019

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The primary purpose of this study is to determine whether creative writing in newly diagnosed
cancer patients and those with recent progression in their disease will have a positive
impact on their mental health. Using a randomized controlled trial approach, emotion
thermometers will be employed to evaluate participants' responses on a number of domains,
such as anxiety, depression, despair, and anger along with a series of survey questions to
monitor changes in depressive and anxiety symptoms. Open-ended survey questions will be used
to capture how a creative writing intervention impacts participants' experience of their
illness. Melissa Greene's Write from the Heart program focuses more on creative writing
rather than cancer focused topics. Patients in the intervention arm will complete -one and a
half hour group sessions every two weeks over the span of 3 months. Participants in the
active control arm will be provided a book (i.e., Writing Down Bones by Natalie Goldberg)
about creative writing and will be asked to do activities for 1.5 hrs every 2 weeks for a
period of 3 months.

Mental wellness before and after intervention in both arms. A validated Emotional Thermometer
Scales will be used to predict changes in parameters reflecting participants' mental health
pre- and post-intervention. Survey questions focused on symptoms of depression and anxiety
will be used to monitor for changes in mental wellness pre- and post-intervention.

Inclusion Criteria:

Newly diagnosed with any stage or type of cancer within 3 months OR progression of disease
within 3 months of enrollment. Recurrence of cancer within 3 months of enrollment would
also be eligible as it will be considered as progression of cancer Ability to understand
English language and ability to write without any functional difficulty ECOG performance
status 0-3

Exclusion Criteria:

Inability to give informed consent Severe psychiatry illness (e.g., uncontrolled
depression, schizophrenia or psychosis) Severe cognitive impairment Pregnant females
Inability to write or understand English
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