Prematurity-Related Ventilatory Control: Role in Respiratory Outcomes

Status:Enrolling by invitation
Age Range:Any
Start Date:March 9, 2018
End Date:July 2021

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The objective of this common multicenter protocol is to test the hypothesis that algorithmic
tools using clinical Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) cardiorespiratory monitoring data
can detect ventilatory control instability and predict chronic and acute respiratory
consequences of ventilatory control instability and autonomic dysregulation.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Neonatal Intensive Care Unit patient on cardiorespiratory monitor which has been
configured to collect data to store for this study

- < 29 wks Gestational Age

- < 1 wk Chronological

Exclusion Criteria:

- Unlikely to survive or decision not to pursue full care

- Major congenital or chromosomal anomaly
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