Tweet4Wellness: An Online Virtual Support Group for Promoting Increased Physical Activity

Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:November 2016
End Date:December 2018
Contact:Marily A Oppezzo, PhD

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The purpose of this study is to determine whether a Twitter-based intervention with a
private, online support group can significantly increase number of walking steps compared to
self-monitoring of physical activity alone or a control group in sedentary women at a women's
heart clinic.

Sedentary behavior is a risk factor for heart disease, independent of meeting physical
activity guidelines. Tweet4Wellness is an innovative light physical activity, specifically
walking, intervention which randomly assigns participants to a 25-person private, online
support group that will receive daily, theory-based messages as peer-to-peer discussion
prompts. Many text-based interventions do not base the intervention text messages in behavior
change theory, but this study will base the daily messages in the behavior change theories
such as implementation intentions, social support, mindfulness, and social learning theory.

The trial will be conducted over two, 3-month periods. For the first 3 months, there will be
3 groups: Group 1 will receive the Twitter intervention and a "Fitbit" triaxial pedometer to
track their steps throughout the day; Group 2 will receive the Fitbit pedometer only; Group 3
will be a waitlist control, and receive an online Center for Disease Control (CDC) website on
physical activity and walking improvement.

For the second 3 months: Group 1 will receive new daily Twitter discussion prompts and
continue monitoring their physical activity with the Fitbit; Group 2 will receive the Twitter
intervention and continue monitoring their physical activity with the Fitbit; Group 3 will
receive both the Twitter intervention and a Fitbit pedometer.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Are a woman

- Are over 18 years of age

- Are English speaking

- Have or are willing to purchase a mobile phone with a camera

- Have or are willing to purchase an unlimited text plan

- Are willing to participate in daily tweets or texts for up to 6 months

- Have an active email account

- Have internet access on your mobile phone

- Use or are familiar with Facebook, Twitter, or other social media

- Have or are willing to purchase a scale and tape measure

- Are a patient at the Stanford Women's Heart Clinic

- Text at least weekly

Exclusion Criteria:

- Have certain symptoms or conditions that would not be conducive to increasing your
physical activity as determined by your physician

- Are planning on becoming pregnant in the next 8 months

- If our screening survey indicates that you are already adequately physically active

- Do not provide all required personal contact information
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