ISE to Support Constipation Management

Status:Active, not recruiting
Therapuetic Areas:Gastroenterology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:August 2016
End Date:August 2019

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Interactive Spaced Education Game to Support Constipation Management in Pediatric Primary Care

This study is a single site prospective controlled trial assessing two educational
interventions designed to educate local pediatric Primary Care Physicians (PCP) and nurses on
collaboratively developed treatment guidelines for pediatric constipation. The study aims to
assess the impact of an Spaced Education game to aid the implementation of the management
guideline. PCP adherence to recommended treatment will be assessed in addition to PCP
satisfaction with the educational methods, constipation knowledge and patient outcomes.

Primary care practices in the Greater Cincinnati region, that are part of the Ohio Valley
Pediatric Care Association (OVPCA) will be recruited to take part in the study. It is
estimated that approximately 170 providers in 40 practices will take part overall. The study
participants will be the PCPs and nurses in their practices.

Prior to the educational intervention (described below), participating PCPs and nurses will
be asked to complete Constipation Action Plan (CAP) forms detailing the treatments they
prescribed to each patient with constipation symptoms at each new visit and the subsequent
follow up visits for constipation. The CAP form will contain a section to describe the
patient's symptoms as well as fields to be checked for each treatment the PCP instructed the
patient to follow.

Practices will be clustered by size (number of providers) and randomly assigned to 1 of 2
educational interventions (Dissemination or Dissemination +Interactive Spaced Education).

Dissemination will include webinars and e-mail distribution of the Constipation Management
Guideline and a slide set containing the evidence-based rationale as well as clinical tips
for advanced management of functional constipation. All PCPs will receive the guideline and
slide set and be offered an opportunity to ask questions of a gastroenterologist.

Participating PCPs and nurses randomized to the Interactive Spaced Education (ISE) arm will
complete an online ISE course assessing their understanding of the constipation guidelines.

Constipation knowledge will be tested via quiz in multiple choice format. Online surveys to
assess satisfaction with the educational intervention, likelihood to change practice, ease of
participation in the SE course (if applicable) and feedback for ways to improve future
educational efforts will be administered at three time-points.

Inclusion Criteria:

- PCPs and nurses who are willing and able to complete the education intervention
throughout the study time-frame, as outlined in the protocol (education intervention
does not need to be completed prior to taking part in the study)

- PCPs and nurses who are willing to complete Constipation Action Plans and submit them
in a timely fashion to the CCHMC Quality Improvement program staff

Exclusion Criteria:

- PCPs or nurses who are unwilling and/or unable to follow protocol requirements.
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