Taking on Diabetes to Advance You (TODAY)

Conditions:Diabetes, Diabetes
Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:April 24, 2017
End Date:June 24, 2018

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Taking on Diabetes to Advance You

The program will consist of diabetes self-management sessions, led by an occupational
therapist. The sessions will be held in an individualized format. Sessions will focus on
diabetes education, self-management education, and education on behaviors and adaptive
techniques to optimize participation in daily life with type II diabetes. As occupational
therapists, the investigators and facilitator, aim to focus on establishing healthy habits,
roles, and routines for individuals with type 2 diabetes.

Inclusion Criteria:

- type 2 diabetes

- 18 or older

- patient at the Family Medicine Center in Fort Collins

Exclusion Criteria:

- reading level below 6th grade

- inability to understand written or verbal instructions regarding questionnaires
We found this trial at
Fort Collins, Colorado 80524
Fort Collins, CO
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