Safety and Acceptability Study of a Non-Hormonal Ring
Status: | Recruiting |
Conditions: | Contraception, Contraception |
Therapuetic Areas: | Reproductive |
Healthy: | No |
Age Range: | 18 - 50 |
Updated: | 10/21/2018 |
Start Date: | May 23, 2018 |
End Date: | October 31, 2019 |
Contact: | Nadene A. Zack, MS |
Email: | |
Phone: | 619-723-3192 |
This is a feasibility, multi-center, open-label, non-significant risk device study for a
non-hormonal contraceptive ring.
non-hormonal contraceptive ring.
The purpose of this clinical trial is to assess the ability of Ovaprene™ to prevent sperm
from penetrating midcycle cervical mucus. In addition, safety, release of ingredients,
acceptability and fit will be assessed.
from penetrating midcycle cervical mucus. In addition, safety, release of ingredients,
acceptability and fit will be assessed.
Inclusion Criteria:
1. Women aged 18-50 years, inclusive
2. General good health, by volunteer history and per investigator judgment
3. History of regular menstrual cycles of 24-35 days (inclusive), by volunteer report
4. History of Pap tests and follow-up consistent with standard medical practice or
willing to undergo a Pap test at Visit 1.
5. Protected from pregnancy by female tubal sterilization
6. Willing to abstain from or engage in intercourse with and without condoms and to
abstain from other vaginal activity as required in the protocol
7. In a mutually monogamous relationship for at least the last four months with a male
partner who:
1. Is at least 18 years old;
2. Has no known risk for STIs;
3. Is willing and able to comply with protocol requirements including sexual
activity/ abstinence and condom use requirements; and
4. Can engage in vaginal intercourse with the participant, with and without condoms,
as specified in protocol
8. Vaginal and cervical anatomy that, in the opinion of the investigator, lends itself to
easy colposcopy and genital tract sample collection
9. Willing to give voluntary consent, sign an informed consent form and comply with study
procedures as required by the protocol
Exclusion Criteria:
1. History of hysterectomy
2. Vasectomy in male partner
3. Sterility or known history of sperm dysfunction in male partner
4. Within two calendar months from the last pregnancy outcome. Note: If recently pregnant
must have had at least two spontaneous menses since pregnancy outcome.
5. Current use of any hormonal contraceptive or a copper IUD, or use of Depo-Provera
within the last 120 days
6. Currently breastfeeding or having breastfed an infant in the last two months, or
planning to breastfeed during the course of the study
7. Significant gynecological abnormalities (including abnormal vaginal bleeding or
excessive vaginal discharge)
8. Either device does not appropriately fit volunteer, as determined by clinician
9. Inability of the volunteer to insert, position, and/or remove either device, even with
10. History of sensitivity/allergy to nonoxynol-9 or to silicone or any other component of
Ovaprene™ or Caya, for either the volunteer or her male partner
11. In the last four months, either the volunteer or her male partner diagnosed with or
treated for any STI or pelvic inflammatory disease. Note: Women or male partners with
a history of genital herpes or condylomata who have been asymptomatic for at least six
months may be considered for eligibility
12. Positive test for Trichomonas vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhea, Chlamydia trachomatis,
or HIV
13. Deep epithelial genital findings such as abrasions, ulcerations, and lacerations, or
vesicles suspicious for a sexually transmitted infection
14. Chronic or acute vulvar or vaginal symptoms (pain, irritation, spotting, etc.)
15. Known current drug or alcohol abuse which could impact study compliance. (This is
defined as any illicit drug use or more than 15 alcoholic drinks per week)
16. Participation in any other investigational trial within the last 30 days or planned
participation in any other investigational trial during the study
17. History of gynecological procedures (including genital piercing) on the external
genitalia, vagina or cervix within the last 14 days
18. Abnormal finding on laboratory or physical examination or a social or medical
condition in either the volunteer or her male partner which, in the opinion of the
investigator, would make participation in the study unsafe or would complicate
interpretation of data
19. Nugent score greater than or equal to 7
20. Systemic use in the last two weeks or anticipated use during the study of antibiotics
(other than those used to treat UTI, vaginal candidiasis, or BV diagnosed at Visit 1,
or to treat UTI or vaginal candidiasis after Visit 1) or topical antivirals (e.g.,
acyclovir or valacyclovir). Note: Participants should avoid non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and Tylenol except for occasional use, as in
treatment of headaches or dysmenorrhea.
21. Grade 2 or higher abnormality per the March 2017 update of the Division of AIDS
(DAIDS), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) Table for
Grading of the Severity of Adverse Events or clinically significant lab abnormalities
as determined by the investigator (see Section 13.5 for link to DAIDS table)
22. Inability to achieve adequate cervical mucus in two attempts at the baseline cycle
23. Inadequate sperm in endocervical aspirate during baseline testing without any device,
despite adequate mucus and presence of sperm in vaginal pool
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