Randomized Controlled Trial of Standard ERP and OC-Go

Status:Not yet recruiting
Therapuetic Areas:Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:9 - 17
Start Date:November 2018
End Date:April 2020
Contact:John C Piacentini, Ph.D.

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OC-Go: Facilitating Fidelity and Dissemination of Evidence Based Treatment for Childhood OCD Via an Interactive Crowd-sourced Patient-provider Tool

Phase II of this study will examine the efficacy of the OC-Go application via a randomized
controlled trial comparing standard exposure and response prevention (ERP) treatment for
pediatric obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) to exposure/response prevention (ERP) augmented
with OC-Go. A cross-over design will be implemented for these 12 sessions of treatment, in
which participants that were randomized to standard ERP will receive OC-Go augmented ERP for
the second half of treatment, and vice versa. Efficacy will be investigated in a sample of 32
children with OCD.

This project seeks to refine and assess OC-Go, a HIPAA-compliant web-based clinician portal
and patient-side mobile application designed to increase patient adherence to evidence-based
treatment (EBT) for OCD, a common and impairing condition, and provider ability to
effectively implement EBTs. OC-Go allows clinicians to create and push tailored assignments
to patients on their mobile devices with an optimized user interface that includes patient
accountability and support features. Accordingly, patients can be guided to do assignments by
themselves between sessions with increased fidelity over the course of treatment. Once
therapy assignments are created and shared to a crowd-sourced and curated public library, any
clinician can assign any task to any patient for homework or in-session use with one touch.
Use of OC-Go is expected to increase patient engagement, compliance, treatment efficiency,
dissemination of EBTs, and therapist confidence and expertise.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Ages 9-17 years old

- Primary diagnosis of OCD based on diagnostic interview (ADIS)

- CGI-Severity score > 3

Exclusion Criteria:

- Anti-OCD medication/unstable dose (with changes expected during the study)

- Significant and interfering comorbid psychiatric, psychosocial, neurological, or
medical condition (e.g., acute suicidality, low IQ, etc.) precluding the child's
ability to complete all study procedures
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