Trial of Void With Saline Bladder Instillation

Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:May 24, 2017
End Date:May 19, 2019
Contact:Brenda Romeo, CCRC

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Trial of Void With Saline Bladder Instillation, a Randomized Controlled Trial

This study is being done to see if there is a difference between the traditional method of
removing a urethral catheter after surgery and waiting for the patient to urinate on their
own to the saline instillation method which places either room temperature or warmed saline
into the patient's bladder through the catheter before removing the catheter.

Voiding trials after surgery to remove a catheter can be done in different ways.

Traditional method: The catheter is removed and the patient will attempt to void.

Room temperature saline instillation: Room temperature saline will be placed in the patients
bladder through the catheter. The catheter will be removed and the patient will attempt to

Warmed saline group: Saline that has been warmed to 37C will be placed in the patients
bladder through the catheter. The catheter will be removed and the patient will attempt to

Inclusion Criteria:

- Patients undergoing trial of void after placement of indwelling urethral catheter
after urologic procedure

Exclusion Criteria:

- Patient incontinent at baseline.

- Patient has chronic indwelling urinary catheter or uses clean intermittent
catheterization at home.

- Patient has documented neurogenic bladder.

- No trained person to administer the instillation or perform consent.

- Patient refusal to participate.

- Patient unable to give informed consent.

- Patient is a prisoner.

- Patient is pregnant.

- Patient unable to participate in notifying nursing of voids.

- Nursing is unable to measure post void residual with bladder scan machine secondary to
body habitus or other anatomical abnormality.
We found this trial at
47 New Scotland Ave
Albany, New York 12208
(518) 262-3125
Principal Investigator: Ronald P Kaufman, Jr., MD
Albany Medical College Albany Medical Center is northeastern New York's only academic health sciences center...
Albany, NY
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