Body Scan Activity on Bone Marrow Transplant Patients and Their Caregivers

Conditions:Blood Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:April 17, 2018
End Date:August 28, 2018

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The Mindfulness Pilot Project: The Effects of a Body Scan Activity on Bone Marrow Transplant Patients and Their Caregivers

This study will address whether teaching the Body Scan exercise to cancer patients with
hematological malignancies and their caregivers during an inpatient hospitalization improves
reported physical and psychological symptoms after a two-week period. Giving patients and
caregivers the opportunity to learn mindfulness and the tools to practice on their own is
expected to lead to a decrease in stress and anxiety, and help empower patients and
caregivers to better cope with stress in the future.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Voluntary & self-selected patients and caregivers

- Located on the leukemia/lymphoma/bone marrow transplant floor at Barnes Jewish

Exclusion Criteria:

-Patients requiring a language translator or interpreter will be excluded from the study
We found this trial at
660 S Euclid Ave
Saint Louis, Missouri 63110
(314) 362-5000
Principal Investigator: Maggie Compernolle, BSN, RN
Phone: 847-644-8610
Washington University School of Medicine Washington University Physicians is the clinical practice of the School...
Saint Louis, MO
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