Prospective, Multicenter da Vinci® SP™ Surgical System TORS Study

Conditions:Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:April 17, 2017
End Date:December 26, 2017

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A Prospective, Multicenter Investigation of the da Vinci® SP™ Surgical System in TORS Procedures for Resection of Malignant Tumors

A prospective, multicenter investigation of the da Vinci® SP™ Surgical System in Transoral
Robotic Surgery (TORS) procedures for malignant oropharyngeal tumors.

A prospective, multicenter investigation to evaluate the safety and clinical performance of
the da Vinci SP Surgical System, instruments, and accessories in TORS procedures for
malignant oropharyngeal tumors classified as T1 and T2.

Inclusion Criteria:

- 18 years or older

- T1 or T2 malignant oropharyngeal tumor

- Tumor amenable to transoral resection

- No previous treatment for the index tumor

- Willing and able to provide written informed consent

- Willing and able to comply with the study protocol requirements

Exclusion Criteria:

- T3 or T4 stage tumor

- Previous radiation treatment to the head and neck, with or without chemotherapy

- Evidence of other primary cancers or distant metastasis or subject with synchronous
primary tumor excluding skin cancers

- Pre-operative expectation of needing microvascular soft-tissue reconstruction

- Tumor that invades and/or abuts the internal and/or external carotid artery

- Retropharyngeal carotid artery coincident with a tonsillar cancer or posterior
pharyngeal wall cancer

- Evidence of mandibular invasion of tumor

- Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Status score greater than or equal to 2

- On a medication that interferes with clotting that cannot be stopped prior to surgery

- Contraindication for general anesthesia or surgery

- Mentally handicapped or has psychological disorder or severe systemic illness that
would preclude compliance with study requirements or ability to provide informed

- Pregnant or suspected to be pregnant
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