Deprescribing for Older Dialysis Patients

Status:Not yet recruiting
Conditions:Renal Impairment / Chronic Kidney Disease, Renal Impairment / Chronic Kidney Disease
Therapuetic Areas:Nephrology / Urology
Age Range:65 - Any
Start Date:March 1, 2020
End Date:June 30, 2023
Contact:Rasheeda K Hall

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Aim 1 of the study is to identify the elements of a deprescribing intervention that address
contextual factors specific to dialysis.

Aim 2 of the study, described in this record, is to determine the feasibility of a
deprescribing intervention tailored for older dialysis patients.

Older adults receiving dialysis are often prescribed multiple medications. Some of these
medications are used to treat symptoms, but they also can increase the chance of significant
health problems. The purpose of this study is to identify if it is feasible to reduce the use
of medications that have been identified as causing an increased risk for health problems.

Inclusion Criteria:

- an adult receiving dialysis for at least 6 months

- at least one active prescription for a potentially inappropriate medication (e.g.,

Exclusion Criteria:

- advanced dementia

- hospice care

- non-English speaking
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