Golden Black Seed: Support of Metabolic Health and General Wellness.

Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:40 - 75
Start Date:March 14, 2018
End Date:October 14, 2018

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To document effects of consuming Golden Black Seed (brand: New Chapter Inc.) on metabolic
health and wellness in human subjects.

Golden Black Seed contains extracts from the turmeric root (Curcuma longa) and black cumin
seeds (Nigella sativa). Both botanicals have been used traditionally in Asian cooking, and
also in herbal medicine for reducing inflammation.

For this clinical study, human participants will be tested over a period of 8 weeks. Below is
a simplified diagram illustrating the involvement of each human subject, where all study
participants will be tested on three different clinic days.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Adult people of either gender;

2. Age 40-75 years (inclusive);

3. BMI 25-34.9 (inclusive);

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Cancer during past 12 months;

2. Chemotherapy during past 12 months;

3. Previous major gastrointestinal surgery (absorption of test product may be altered)
(minor surgery is allowed, including previous removal of appendix and gall bladder);

4. Currently consuming large doses of anti-inflammatory nutritional supplements, and
unwilling to stop taking these supplements for 2 weeks prior to and during the study;

5. Use of oral, inhaled or injected steroid medication within the last 6 months (for
example: prednisone, dexamethasone). Nasal sprays for allergies are allowed;

6. Active uncontrolled auto-immune disease (for example: rheumatoid arthritis, lupus,
inflammatory bowel disease, Celiac disease);

7. Currently experiencing intense stressful events or life changes;

8. Currently in intensive athletic training (such as marathon runners);

9. Women of childbearing potential, who are pregnant, nursing, or trying to become

10. Known food allergies or sensitivities related to the test products or placebo;

11. History of drug abuse during past two years;

12. Participation in another clinical trial involving a consumable test product.
We found this trial at
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601
Principal Investigator: Gitte S. Jensen, PhD
Phone: 541-884-0112
Klamath Falls, OR
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