Effect of Prevention Education in Caries Formation in Pediatric Patients With Leukemia

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Blood Cancer, Leukemia
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:3 - 12
Start Date:May 19, 2017
End Date:January 31, 2020

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Effect of Prevention Education on Factors of Importance in Caries Formation in Pediatric Patients With Leukemia

This randomized pilot clinical trial studies how well preventive education works in
decreasing caries formation in pediatric patients with leukemia. Prevention education may
have an effect on factors important in causing cavities in pediatric patients with leukemia.

Patients treated for leukemia at Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center in the
department of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology are currently receiving oral hygiene
instruction at diagnosis. In this study, patients will be randomized into two groups at
diagnosis: one receiving current prevention education and the other group receiving
one-on‐one prevention education and counseling with the physician and pediatric dental
resident. Physician and pediatric dental resident will use motivational interviewing informed
techniques during counseling. A caries risk assessment will be performed for each patient at
diagnosis. Caries incidence, plaque scores, mutans streptococci levels, salivary flow rate,
and salivary pH will be assessed at week one (diagnosis), week 16 or start of interim
maintenance therapy whichever comes second, week 32 or beginning of maintenance therapy
whichever is later for all patients enrolled in the study. Data will be collected through a
clinical intraoral examination and salivary sample. Data collected will be used to assess the
effect of increased prevention education on factors of importance in caries formation.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Pediatric patients who have been recently diagnosed with leukemia

- Patients will also predictably be in primary or mixed dentition

- Patients of Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center Pediatric Hematology
Oncology Clinic

Exclusion Criteria:

- Full permanent dentition

- Primary language is not English

- Children in the custody of the state with no parent or legal guardian present to sign
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Richmond, Virginia 23298
(804) 828-0450
Principal Investigator: Marieka A Helou, MD, MPH
Phone: 804-828-9300
Virginia Commonwealth University Massey Cancer Center Founded in 1974, VCU Massey Cancer Center is a...
Richmond, VA
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