Translation of an Intervention for Violence Among Adolescents in Emergency Departments

Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:14 - 18
Start Date:February 22, 2017
End Date:February 15, 2018

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The translation study aims to refine and package intervention and training materials
essential to translating an efficacious Emergency Department (ED) based Brief Intervention
(BI) for violence (SafERteens) for two delivery methods: by ED staff on site or by therapist
remotely. The study will take place in two phases. During the Effectiveness phase, we will
determine the effectiveness of the interventions [on-site therapist delivered BI + text
messages (n=133); remote therapy delivered BI + text messages (n=133)], as compared to a
usual care control (brochure; n=133), on violence outcomes at 3 months. Note that tailored
text messages will be delivered daily for the first month post-discharge, and three times per
week in the second month post-discharge to the BI groups. During the Implementation phase,
components of the RE-AIM model will be assessed over a 4-month period.

Participants who screen positive for the study during the effectiveness phase, will be
randomized to either the therapy or control at a rate of 2:1. Whether the participant
receives the on-site therapist or the remote therapist will depend on day of week or shift.
Over the course of the study, the proportion of shifts covered by on-site verses remote
therapists will be balanced for seasonality and time of day (evening vs. day time).

Inclusion Criteria:

- youth (ages 14-18) presenting to the Hurley Medical Center (HMC) ED who are medically
stable. Patients classified by medical staff as having unstable vital signs or "Level
1" trauma (e.g., unconscious, in need of immediate lifesaving procedures such as
surgery), will be approached during their inpatient stay after stabilization (4% based
on prior work);

- access to a parent or guardian for consent among adolescents ages 14-17 (over 90%
based on our prior work).

- Positive past 3 month violence screen criteria: Youth will be eligible for the study
if they endorse on self-report computer survey past three month violence perpetration

Exclusion Criteria:

- youth who do not understand English

- youth deemed unable to provide informed assent/consent by ED or research staff

- prisoners at time of ED presentation.

- youth who present to the ED as victims of sexual abuse or child abuse
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