Monitored Controlled Intermittent Alternate Occlusion (CIAO) Therapy for Intermittent Exotropia
Status: | Recruiting |
Conditions: | Ocular |
Therapuetic Areas: | Ophthalmology |
Healthy: | No |
Age Range: | 3 - 11 |
Updated: | 4/6/2019 |
Start Date: | August 2016 |
End Date: | May 2021 |
Contact: | Jingyun Wang, PhD |
Email: | |
Phone: | 215-780-1376 |
A Clinical Trial of Observation Versus Controlled Intermittent Alternate Occlusion (CIAO) Therapy for Intermittent Exotropia
This study presents an opportunity to understand a novel, previously unreported controlled
intermittent alternate occlusion (CIAO) therapy glasses, which may improve the control of
Intermittent exotropia (IXT).
intermittent alternate occlusion (CIAO) therapy glasses, which may improve the control of
Intermittent exotropia (IXT).
Inclusion Criteria:
The following criteria must be met for the patient to be enrolled in the study:
1. Age 3 to 11 years old
2. Intermittent exotropia (manifest deviation) meeting all of the following criteria:
- Intermittent exotropia at distance OR constant exotropia at distance and either
intermittent exotropia or exophoria at near
- Exodeviation at least 10PD at distance OR 15PD at near measured by prism and
alternate cover test (PACT)
3. No previous surgical or non-surgical treatment for IXT (other than refractive
4. Visual acuity in the worse eye 20/40 (0.3 logMAR) or better on ATS HOTV for ages 3 - 5
and 20/25 (0.1 logMAR) or better on ATS HOTV for ages 6 - 11
5. No hyperopia greater than +3.50 D spherical equivalent in either eye
6. No myopia greater than -6.00 D spherical equivalent in either eye
7. Patients must be wearing refractive correction (spectacles or contact lenses) for at
least one week if refractive error (based on cycloplegic refraction performed within 6
months) meets any of the following:
- Myopia > -0.50 D spherical equivalent in either eye
- Anisometropia > 1.00 D spherical equivalent
- Astigmatism in either eye > 2.00 D if ≤ 5 years old and > 1.50 D if > 5 years old
Refractive correction for patients meeting the above refractive error criteria must
meet the following guidelines:
- Anisometropia spherical equivalent must be within 0.25D of the full anisometropic
difference correction
- Astigmatism cylinder must be within 0.25D of full correction and axis must be
within 5 degrees of full correction.
- For hyperopia, the spherical component can be reduced at investigator discretion
provided the reduction is symmetrical. Prescribing any refractive correction to
yield lenses that are more myopic than -0.50 D spherical equivalent (SE) is
considered deliberate overminus and is not allowed at enrollment. However,
prescribing no correction or prescribing less than the full cycloplegic hyperopic
correction (i.e., prescribing reduced plus) is not considered the same as
overminusing for this protocol and is allowed because most patients without IXT
but with hyperopic SE refractions in this range would not typically be prescribed
a refractive correction.
- For myopia, the intent is to fully correct, but the spherical component can be
undercorrected by investigator discretion provided the reduction is symmetrical
and results in no more than -0.50 D SE residual (i.e., uncorrected) myopia.
Prescribing a correction that yields more than 0.50 D more minus SE than the
cycloplegic refraction SE is considered deliberate overminus and is not allowed
at enrollment.
Note that the refractive correction guidelines and the requirement to wear refractive
correction for at least one week apply not only to patients who require refractive
correction under the above criteria but also to any other patient who is wearing
refractive correction.
8. No atropine use within the last week
9. Gestational age > 34 weeks and birth weight > 1500 grams
10. Patient and/or parent is willing to accept randomization to either observation or CIAO
11. Parent has a phone (or access to phone) and is willing to be contacted
Exclusion Criteria:
1. Only phoria at both distance and near
2. Prior non-surgical treatment for IXT other than refractive correction (e.g., vergence
therapy, occlusion, vision therapy/orthoptics, or deliberate over-minus with
spectacles more than 0.50D)
3. Previous amblyopia treatment other than refractive correction within 1 year
4. Vision therapy/orthoptics for any reason within the last year
5. Interocular visual acuity difference more than 0.2 logMAR (2 lines on ATS HOTV for
patients 3 to < 7 years old or 10 letters on E-ETDRS for patients ≥ 7 years old)
6. Investigator planning to initiate amblyopia treatment
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