Televideo Exercise and Nutrition Program for Kidney Transplant Recipients

Therapuetic Areas:Nephrology / Urology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:September 12, 2017
End Date:March 30, 2018

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The improvement in morbidity and mortality observed with kidney transplantation is often
curtailed by post-transplant weight gain, which is common among kidney transplant recipients
(KTR). Post-transplant weight gain is associated with serious health issues such as
cardiovascular disease, new onset diabetes after transplantation, and graft failure. Although
these adverse effects of post-transplant weight gain are well recognized, interventions that
target the modifiable risk factors of diet and physical activity to address
post-transplantation weight gain are lacking. The purpose of this study is to test the
feasibility of an in-home, televideo health coaching to increase the healthy behaviors of
KTRs who are 6 months post-transplantation.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Age 18 years or older

- Between 6 and 12 months post kidney transplantation

- Kidney allograft only

- Functioning allograft (not on dialysis)

- BMI ≥ 22 kg/m2

- Available to participate in assessments over 6 months

- Ability to speak and understand English

- Able to report data weekly by at least one of three alternative methods: telephone,
email, or fax

- Access to wireless internet

Exclusion Criteria:

- Multi-organ transplant recipient

- Uncontrolled diabetes (Hemoglobin A1c≥8%)

- Currently pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant during the study

- Participation in a formal weight management, nutrition, or physical activity program

- Diagnosis of a major psychiatric illness

- Major dietary restrictions

- Inability to perform moderate to vigorous physical activity

- Unwillingness to be randomized

- Receiving supplemental nutrition
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