Evaluating Patient Information Prescriptions

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Women's Studies
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology, Reproductive
Age Range:Any
Start Date:September 2004
End Date:September 2009

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Evaluating Patient Information Prescriptions in Different Service Environments

Research shows that patient satisfaction with medical care correlates strongly with how
satisfied they are with the ease of getting information from their providers regarding their
medical condition. Although the Internet is a wonderful source of information for patients,
research has shown that, unmediated, it comprises a potential quagmire of information poorly
matched to users needs. Providers typically do not have enough time to fulfill all of their
patients' information needs. One strategy to meeting the patient's information needs is to
introduce librarians trained and experienced in consumer health information services into the
relationship between the patient and the provider. One recently described tactic is for
providers to provide information the way they of provide treatment-through an information
prescription (IRx) filled by a librarian. The librarian fills the prescription by offering
information services tailored to the needs of individual patients. At Johns Hopkins, we have
piloted such a tactic, and in this project, extend and evaluate it. The research hypothesis
is that provision of an IRx will improve patient satisfaction, provider knowledge and
attitudes regarding patient information needs, and the efficiencies of care.

The goal of this research is to evaluate IRx, to provide enough data so care organizations
can decide whether to implement this in their own environment.

To that end, our specific aims are:

1. To evaluate the impact of IRx on patients. We are performing a randomized clinical
trial, comparing IRx with standard provision of information. The primary outcome is
patient satisfaction.

2. To evaluate the impact of IRx on providers. As part of the trial, provider perceptions
and behavior will be assessed.

3. To evaluate the impact of IRx on the health-care system. As part of the trial, costs
entailed and resources utilized will be assessed.

4. To evaluate how IRx generalizes across service environments. The trial will be performed
in two environments: adult breast cancer and neonatal intensive care.

At the heart of this proposal are the randomized clinical trials. In each, patients in both
intervention and control groups will receive standard clinical care in their clinic visits.
Patients randomized to the intervention group will receive information services from a
specially trained librarian; patients in the control groups will receive routine, current
information provision. For Aim 1, immediately after their clinic visits and four weeks later,
all participants will report their satisfaction on a survey that include measures of
patient-provider communication. For Aim 2, participating providers are surveyed for their
perceptions of information needs being met and about patient-provider interaction. For Aim 3,
costs of care and costs of providing the IRx environment will be tabulated.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Breast Cancer: any new patient seen in Johns Hopkins medical oncology for Breast

- Neonatal Intensive care:Biological mothers (or consenting guardians) of premature
infants born and admitted or transferred in to Johns Hopkins Hospital or Bayview
Medical Center neonatal intensive care units.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Breast Cancer: None

- Neonatal Intensive Care: Parents with infants whose SNAP mortality >= 80%(J Pediatr.
2001 Jan;138(1):92-100)
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