Exploring the Safety and Efficacy of Low-dose Ketamine Infusions for Pain Control in Acute Burn Injury

Conditions:Chronic Pain, Hospital
Therapuetic Areas:Musculoskeletal, Other
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:April 1, 2017
End Date:May 24, 2018

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The purpose of this study is to identify the optimal dosing strategy for low-dose ketamine
infusions in adult acute burn injury patients when used with usual pain medications.

This Aim will identify the safest and most optimal dosing strategy for low-dose ketamine
infusions. While the hourly rate for low-dose ketamine infusions used for adjunctive
analgesia appears to be well-established both in the medical literature and our institutional
protocols, there is no information available for this specific population of patients (adult
acute burn injury) to know whether the infusions should be utilized for discrete periods of
time or should be given continuously. Findings from this study will help provide preliminary
data on the optimal dosing strategy of this medication for adjunctive analgesia in this

Inclusion Criteria:

- Acute burn injury comprising 10-30% of total body surface. Burns severity may include
second or third degree burns

- Burn injury must have occurred within 72 hours of enrollment and randomization

- Subjects may be opioid-naïve or opioid non-naïve

- Anticipated stay in the burn unit is greater than 4 days, which is typically the
minimum length of stay for patients with this level of burn injury

Exclusion Criteria:

- Burn injury older than 72 hours

- Acute burn injury comprising >30% total body surface

- Patients who are intubated

- Patients who have contraindication to ketamine administration
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