Evaluating in Vivo PARP-1 Expression With 18F-FluorThanatrace Positron Emission Tomography (PET/CT) in Breast Cancer

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:February 22, 2017
End Date:February 22, 2022

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Up to 30 evaluable participants with known or suspected breast cancer (BIRADS 5 by imaging)
will undergo FTT PET/CT imaging before primary surgery or neoadjuvant therapy. Patients
undergoing neoadjuvant therapy may choose to have a second FTT PET/CT scan after the start of
therapy (1 days to 3 weeks). FTT PET/CT uptake will be correlated with pathology measures and
treatment response, in subjects undergoing neoadjuvant therapy

Inclusion Criteria:

- Participants will be ≥ 18 years of age

- Known or suspected (BIRADS 5 on imaging) primary breast cancer

- At least one breast lesion one breast lesion that is 1 cm or greater in size by
standard imaging (e.g. mammography, ultrasound or breast MRI). Only one type of
imaging is required to show a lesion of 1 cm or greater in order for the patient to be
eligible to participate in this study. Patients that have a prior diagnosis of primary
breast cancer in the opposite breast can be included.

- Willing to allow use orcollection of pathology tissue for the purposes of research
from either clinical biopsy or surgical procedure (if adequate tissue is available) or
research only biopsy

- Participants must be informed of the investigational nature of this study and be
willing to provide written informed consent and participate in this study in
accordance with institutional and federal guidelines prior to study-specific

Exclusion Criteria:

- Females who are pregnant or breast feeding at the time of screening will not be
eligible for this study; a urine pregnancy test will be performed in women of
child-bearing potential at screening.

- Inability to tolerate imaging procedures in the opinion of an investigator or treating

- Any current medical condition, illness, or disorder as assessed by medical record
review and/or self-reported that is considered by a physician investigator to be a
condition that could compromise participant safety or successful participation in the
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