Impact of Acute Leg Cycling at Various Intensities on RLS Severity in Persons With MS

Status:Not yet recruiting
Conditions:Restless Leg Syndrome, Neurology, Neurology, Neurology, Multiple Sclerosis
Therapuetic Areas:Neurology, Rheumatology, Other
Age Range:18 - 54
Start Date:April 2019
End Date:December 2021
Contact:Katie L Cederberg, MS
Phone:(205) 975-1306

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Impact of Acute Leg Cycling at Different Intensities on Restless Legs Syndrome Severity in Persons With Multiple Sclerosis

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of acute leg cycling conditions at three
different intensities versus a control condition condition on symptoms of restless legs
syndrome (RLS) in persons with multiple sclerosis (MS). This study includes a proposed sample
of 24 participants diagnosed with both MS and RLS that will complete four sessions of
supervised exercise or rest conditions in the lab, one session per week, over the course of
four weeks.

The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of acute leg cycling conditions at three
different intensities (i.e., light, moderate, and vigorous) versus a control condition (i.e.,
quiet rest) on symptoms of RLS in persons with MS. This study involves a within-subjects,
repeated measures design that includes a proposed sample of 24 participants diagnosed with
both MS and RLS. Participants will complete four sessions with supervised exercise or rest
conditions in the lab, one session per week, over the course of four weeks. The order of the
three conditions will be randomized and counterbalanced and include: (1) leg cycling with no
resistance (i.e., light), (2) leg cycling at moderate intensity, (3) leg cycling at vigorous
intensity, and (4) seated, quiet rest (i.e., control condition). The primary study outcome
includes the objective measure of RLS severity using the Suggested Immobilization Test (SIT)
that will be administered immediately before and immediately after each condition (i.e.,
light, moderate, vigorous, and quiet rest).

Inclusion Criteria:

- 18-54 years of age

- Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis

- Has not experienced a relapse in the last 30 days

- Positive screening for restless legs syndrome

- Restless legs syndrome severity of moderate or greater

- Ambulatory with or without an aide

Exclusion Criteria:

- Moderate or high risk for undertaking strenuous or maximal exercise

- Diagnosis of: radiculopathy, peripheral edema, peripheral neuropathy, iron deficiency
(i.e., anemia), renal disease, or diabetes
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Principal Investigator: Robert W Motl, PhD
University of Alabama at Birmingham The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) traces its roots...
Birmingham, AL
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