Making Decisions About Participating in a Cancer Clinical Trial for Patients With Stage II, Stage III, or Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer or Stage III or Stage IV Colon Cancer or Rectal Cancer

Conditions:Colorectal Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Psychiatric, Pancreatic Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology, Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:18 - 120
Start Date:January 19, 2007
End Date:September 29, 2008

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Research Participation: Decision Making and Outcomes in Cancer Clinical Trials

RATIONALE: Determining how patients makes decisions about participating in a clinical trial
may help doctors plan clinical trials in which more patients are willing to participate and
are satisfied with their decision to participate.

PURPOSE: This clinical trial is studying how patients with stage II, stage III, or stage IV
pancreatic cancer or stage III or stage IV colon cancer or rectal cancer make decisions about
participating in a clinical trial.


- Determine the relationship between disease factors, patient factors, and understanding
of the cancer clinical trial, and preferences for decision control in the decision to
participate in a cancer clinical trial by patients with stage II-IV pancreatic cancer or
stage III-IV colon or rectal cancer.

- Determine the relationship between disease factors, patient factors, understanding of
the cancer clinical trial, and preferences for decision control with satisfaction with
the decision to participate in a cancer clinical trial.

- Determine how quality of life, trust, and hope impact the decision to participate in a
cancer clinical trial and the satisfaction with this decision.

OUTLINE: This is a cross-sectional study.

Patients complete 12 questionnaires to assess their symptom burden (e.g., nausea, pain,
fatigue), sociodemographics, hope, quality of life, trust in the healthcare system, trust in
health professionals, research decision control, perceived risks, adequacy of research
information, clinical trial participation, and decision satisfaction.

PROJECTED ACCRUAL: A total of 200 patients will be accrued for this study.


- Diagnosis of 1 of the following:

- Stage II-IV pancreatic cancer

- Stage III-IV colon cancer

- Stage III-IV rectal cancer

- Offered the opportunity to participate in a phase I-III cancer clinical trial and
agreed or declined to participate

- First appointment at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at John Hopkins


- Able to read English


- Not specified
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