An Investigation of Small Intestinal Carcinoid Carcinoma in Families

Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:12 - Any
Start Date:January 2008
End Date:November 2008
Contact:Nancy Gardner, PhD or

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An Investigation of Eight Reported Cases of Small Intestinal Carcinoid Carcinoma in Multiple Family Members

This proposed pilot study is to conduct detailed interviews into the medical, environmental,
and family histories The second phase of this study project is to and to collect blood
specimen to obtain DNA. The Blood specimen and DNA will be processed by the Rutgers
University Cell and DNA Repository (RUCDR) and stored for a second phase of this pilot. The
purpose is to rule out Familial Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (MEN 1), and succinate
dehydrogenase complex, subunit D (SDHD), gene inactivation thought to be associated with
different types of carcinoid cancer.

There have not been any studies published which specifically describe the medical,
environmental, and genetic factors in carcinoid tumors cases that have carcinoid in family
members. While rare, with an incidence of four per 100, 000, carcinoid represents the most
frequent malignancy affecting the small intestine. Because nearly half (49%) of the cases of
gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors have hepatic metastasis at diagnosis, identification of
the risk factors associated with carcinoid has the potential to increase early diagnosis and
cure. Carcinoid tumors are thought to occur spontaneously and not associated with an
inherited genetic abnormality that would increase a family member's risk for developing
carcinoid cancer. There is a known inherited genetic abnormality that is associated with
bronchial carcinoid tumors but only less than 10%. Gastrointestinal carcinoid tumors are not
thought to be associated with a inherited genetic abnormality. There have been several small
studies that have examined gastrointestinal carcinoid in multiple family members. It remains
uncertain if these cases of carcinoid in multiple family members are characteristic of a
heritable or environmental etiology. Most carcinoid cancer is not inherited; however, less
than 10% of neuroendocrine carcinoid cancer is thought to be due to a change (called a
"mutation") in a gene inherited from a parent. There are several genes that are suspected to
be associated with carcinoid cancer, two of interest in this study is the Multiple Endocrine
Neoplasia Type1 (MEN1), and succinate dehydrogenase complex, subunit D (SDHD) genes.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Over the age of 18 years

2. History of biopsy confirmed small intestinal carcinoid tumor

3. English speaking

4. Mentally and emotionally capable of answering questions

5. Willing and available for study participation

6. At least one first-degree family member with carcinoid tumor

Exclusion Criteria:

1. If you are under the age of 18 years,

2. If you have any mental or memory impairments

3. If you are unable to understand the information in the informed consent document.
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