Mission Statement
Diagnostics Research Group is a consortium of research facilities whose members conduct clinical research in their specific areas of therapeutic expertise. Our mission is to become the industry leader of independent clinical research sites by
1) performing at the highest levels of integrity and competence as judged by our subjects and sponsors
2) investing in the development and maintenance of competencies and productivity of all members of our company team
3) following Good Clinical Practices in all instances and
4) offering quality studies to diverse subject populations. We perform clinical trials involving pharmaceuticals and/or device testing.
Diagnostics Research Group was formed eight years ago. The private practice has been established for 28 years.
Our Director of Clinical Research, Dr. Charles Andrews, is a Certified Principal Investigator (CPI). Additionally, seven of our staff members are Certified Clinical Research Coordinators (CCRC).
Our practice has been involved in research for ten years. Our physicians have been involved in clinical research for twenty-nine years.
We conduct phase II, III, and IV trials.
We have participated in trials for the following Pharmaceutical Companies:
We have participated in trials for the following Contract Research Organizations:
- Advanced Biologics
- Allied Research
- Cato
- Concentrics
- Covance
- Criterium
- I3 Research
- IHC Research
- Ingenix
- Kendle
- Medex
- Medpace
- Novum
- Omnicare
- Paragon Biomedical
- Parexel
- Pharmanet
- Pharmaseek
- Premier
- Quintiles
- Research Point
- TKL Research
Our center specializes in clinical trials for:
Charles P. Andrews, MD, CPI
Medical Director & Principal Investigator
A graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Andrews
attended Southwestern Medical School in Dallas. He completed his
training in pulmonary medicine at the University of Texas Health
Science Center in San Antonio. Prior to entering private practice
he taught at University Hospital and Audie Murphy V.A. Hospital in
San Antonio. He is a reviewer for two pulmonary journals. He is a
member of the Drug Information Association, the Association of
Clinical Research Professionals, and the American Academy of
Pharmaceutical Physicians. Dr. Andrews is a Clinical Principal
Investigator (CPI).
Board Certification: Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Medicine
- Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis
- Allergic Rhinitis
- Allergy/Asthma Studies of Antihistamine
- Antibiotic Study of the Treatment of Community-Acquired Pneumonia
- Antibiotic Studies of the Treatment of Hospital Acquired Pneumonia
- Asthma Studies
- Asthma with Methacholine Challenge
- Asthma/COPD
- Cholesterol Studies
- Comparative Antibiotic Study in the Treatment of Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis
- Complicated Hypertension Studies
- Complicated Urinary Tract Infection
- COPD Studies
- Diagnosis of Lung Carcinoma
- Diabetes
- Dyslipidemia
- Dyspepsia Studies
- Emphysema Studies
- Etiologic Studies of Interstitial Lung Disease
- Hyperlipidemia
- Hypertension
- Intravenous Sedation
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Mountain Cedar Allergic Rhinitis
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Perennial Allergic Rhinitis
- Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Ragweed Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis
- Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis
- Severe Sepsis
- Spring Allergic Rhinitis
- Stress Urinary Incontinence Study
- Vaccine Studies
- Inhaled Insulin
- Insomnia
- Parkinson's Disease Study
- Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
- Vulvovaginal Candidiasis
Pamela Bonham, FNP
A graduate of UTHSC, Pam holds a Master of Science in Nursing and
is a certified Family Nurse Practitioner. Pam works with
Diagnostics Research Group and in our private practice.
Board Certification: Family Nurse Practitioner
Sub-Investigator: Abdominal Pain study, Acute Exacerbation COPD study, Asthma studies, Asthma Allergy Study, Cholesterol Studies, COPD Studies, Diabetes Study, Dyslipidemia Study, Hyperlipidemia Study, Hypertension Studies, Irritable Bowel Study, Pneumonia Vaccine Study, Osteoarthritis Studies, Pulmonary Fibrosis Study, Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Studies, Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis Studies, Shingles Vaccine Study
John R.
A graduate of Texas A&M University, Dr. Holcomb attended
Southwestern Medical School in Dallas. He completed his pulmonary
training at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San
Antonio. He was an attending physician at Brooke Army Medical
Board Certification: Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, and Critical Care Medicine.
Investigator:Investigator: COPD studies, Chronic Constipation studies, Hypertension studies, Irritable bowel syndrome studies.
Sub-investigator: Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis, Allergy/Asthma Studies, Antibiotic Study of the Treatment of Community-Acquired Pneumonia, Phase IIa Asthma Study,Cholesterol Studies, Complicated Hypertension Study, Complicated Urinary Tract Infection, Diabetes, Dyspepsia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome Study, Osteoarthritis Studies, Osteoporosis Study, Parkinson's Disease Study, Pneumonia/Flu Vaccine Study, Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Studies, Pulmonary Fibrosis Study, Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis studies, Shingles Vaccine., Stress Urinary Incontinence Study.
Randall C.
Bell, MD
A graduate from the University of Kansas, Dr. Bell attended the
University of Kansas School of Medicine in Kansas City. He
completed his pulmonary training at the University of Texas Health
Science Center in San Antonio. Prior to entering private practice
he taught at the Health Science Center in San Antonio.
Board Certification: Internal Medicine and Pulmonary Medicine.
Investigator: Study of Almitrine bismesylate to Increase Arterial Oxygenation, Inhaled Insulin Study, Acute Bronchitis Study, Asthma Study, Allergy/Asthma Study, Severe Sepsis Study.
Sub-investigator:Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis, Allergy/Asthma Studies, ,Antibiotic Study of the Treatment of Community-Acquired Pneumonia, , Phase IIa Asthma Study, COPD Studies, Complicated Hypertension Study, Complicated Urinary Tract Infection, Dyspepsia, Insomnia study, Irritable Bowel Syndrome Study, Osteoarthritis Studies, Osteoporosis Study, Parkinson's Disease Study, Pneumonia/Flu Vaccine Study, Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Study, Pulmonary Fibrosis Study, Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis Studies, Shingles Vaccine Study, Stress Urinary Incontinence Study.
Nora L.
Walker, MD
A graduate from Rice University in Houston, Dr. Walker attended
the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. She completed
her pulmonary training at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit.
Board Certification: Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, Sleep Medicine, and Critical Care Medicine.
Investigator: Insomnia Study.
Sub-investigator: Allergy/Asthma Study, Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis, Antibiotic Study of the Treatment of Community-Acquired Pneumonia, Asthma Studies, Cholesterol Studies, COPD Studies, Complicated Hypertension Study, Complicated Urinary Tract Infection, Diabetes Studies, Dyspepsia, Hypertension studies, Irritable bowel syndrome studies, Osteoarthritis Study, Osteoporosis Study, Pneumonia/Flu Vaccine Study, Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Studies, Pulmonary Fibrosis Study, Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis, Severe Sepsis Study, Shingles Vaccine Study, Stress Urinary Incontinence Study
Clinical Expertise in the following areas:
Our clinical research staff consists of Registered Nurses, Licensed Vocational Nurses and Respiratory Therapists. The clinical research staff is trained to conduct trials within the Good Clinical Practice guidelines. Each clinical research coordinator is experienced in pulmonary function testing, allergy testing, ECG's, venipuncture, and basic cardiac life support. The Registered Nurses also participate in IV infusion studies.
Hilda Pomroy, RRT, CCRC
Clinical Research Manager
Brita Andrews, RN, MSN, CCRC
Chief Executive Officer
Laura Ramirez, RN, BSN, CCRC
Clinical Research Coordinator
Lisa Lopez, LVN, CCRC
Clinical Research Coordinator
Kathy Canty, RN, BSN, BA, CCRC
Clinical Research Coordinator
Colleen Malady, RN, MSN, CCRC
Clinical Research Coordinator
Julia Adcock, RN, BSN
Clinical Research Coordinator
Priscilla Villarreal, RN, BSN
Clinical Research Coordinator
Kathleen Smith, LVN, CCRC
Clinical Research Coordinator
Kat Steel, RN, ADN
Clinical Research Coordinator
Cristina Morales
Director of Subject Recruitment
Norma Flores
Subject Recruiter
Veronica Williams
Regulatory Specialist
Ofelia Rodriguez, MA
Medical Assistant
Priscilla Ramirez, CNA
Research Assistant
Burcu Cotter
Research Assistant
Rene Vasquez
Research Assistant
Patricia Ramos, BBA
Margie Longoria
The San Antonio metropolitan area population is 1.5 million and has a referral area of 3.5 million. Fifty percent of the population is Hispanic. A large proportion of our patients are adult seniors due to the retired military population. San Antonio is conducive to balanced research because of its large and diverse population.
Our adult private practice has over 45,000 patient encounters per year, allowing rapid patient enrollment and study start-up. We are experienced in recruitment of study subjects.
Cardiology/Vascular Diseases
Immunology/Infectious Diseases
Pulmonary/Respiratory Diseases
We are conveniently located in the Texas Neurosciences Institute in the South Texas Medical Center. We offer on-site complete pulmonary function testing, Methacholine challenge, oximetry, chest x-rays, allergy testing, nasal allergen provocation, phlebotomy, electrocardiograms and women's health care (paps, pelvic). We can also test for Bone Mineral Density. Within the Neurosciences Institute, there is a complete imaging center. We have two satellite clinics in Gonzales and Uvalde, rural towns in other counties.
Hilda Pomroy , RRT, CCRC, Clinical Research Manager OR
Brita Andrews, RN, MSN, CCRC, Chief Executive Officer
Diagnostics Research Group
4410 Medical Drive, Suite 360
San Antonio, TX 78229
210-692-1999 (fax)
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Clinical Research Study
- Clinical research study for patients with Asthma
- High Cholesterol Research Study
- Insomnia Research Study
- New Research Study for people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome diarrhea.
- Now Enrolling - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Research Study
- Research study of an investigational vaccine for prevention of Herpes Zoster (Shingles)
Updated: 11/19/2015

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 4/3/2017

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969