Wharton, Texas 77488
979-531-0220 http://whartonresearchcenter.com info@whartonresearchcenter.com

Wharton Research Center is a 5,000 sq.ft. dedicated research clinic capable of conducting several trials concurrently. WRC has designated offices for monitors and a fully-equipped laboratory. WRC is located approximately 60 miles SW of Houston,TX. Subjects are referred by local medical and psychiatric MHMR clinics, schools, and patients from the Investigators' private practices. The catchment area for WRC is made up of a region encompassing at least 8 counties.
Wharton Research Center started conducting trials in September 2008. The study team has at least 30 years of combined experience in CNS studies. Wharton Research Center conducts Phase II-IV trials and has local hospital affiliations for conducting in-patient studies. WRC is also able to utilize Central IRB's.
The mission of Wharton Research (WRC) is to serve the Adult, Adolescent and Child population community while providing quality research in the field of Central Nervous System and related fields. WRC strives to achieve high enrollment in studies while maintaining accurate rating, regulatory and medical information.
Wharton Research Center specializes in CNS studies/psychiatry.
- Johnson & Johnson
- Shire
- Addrenex
- Eli Lilly & Company
- AstraZeneca
- Wyeth
- Quintiles
- Icon
- Chiltern
Principal Investigator: Nilesh J. Patel, M.D.
Sub-Investigator: John E. Marcellus, M.D.
Both are board certified Adult, Adolescent & Child Psychiatrist and areas of expertise are ADHD, MDD, SCHZ, Bi-polar D/O, and all other psychiatric indications
Dr. Patel has over 15 years research experience.
Dr. Marcellus has over 10 years research experience.
Marti H. Arbuckle, MA - Study Coordinator/Rater/Regulatory Coordinator
Nancy Ondrias, LVN - Lab director/Study Coordinator
Subjects are referred by local medical and MHMR psychiatric clinics, schools, and patients from the Investigators' private practices (combined total of at least 1200 active patients.) The catchment area for WRC is made up of a region encompassing at least 8 counties with a population of roughly 150,000. The region encompasses various socioeconomic classes, ethnic/race diversity and ages.
Cardiology/Vascular Diseases
Dental/Maxillofacial Surgery
Immunology/Infectious Diseases
Offers inpatient and/or outpatient facilities, school labs, PK studies, etc.
Local public transportation available - transit system
Nilesh J. Patel, M.D.
Principal Investigator
Wharton Research Center
246 W. Milam St.
Wharton, TX 77488
979.531.0225 (fax)