Boston, Massachusetts 02114

The Massachusetts General Hospital has a long, rich, and diverse tradition of excellence in clinical research that continues to expand today. The extensive resources for training clinical investigators and performing top quality translational investigation include: An integrated full service primary, secondary, and tertiary care hospital network with access to large numbers of both local patients with common diseases and national and international patients referred for evaluation of rare disorders, over 600,000 square feet of research space, and a diverse population of thousands of basic and clinical scientists studying topics ranging from very basic molecular biology to direct patient management.
The MGH Clinical Research Program (CRP) was established to improve the environment for clinical investigation at the MGH through academic enrichment programs and direct support services, creating a culture in which all forms of clinical research can flourish. Its mandate is to:
- Enhance bench to bedside research
- Train clinical investigators
- Increase clinical trial activity
- Support outcomes research and disease management
- Coordinate the MGH's efforts with those of Partners HealthCare System and Harvard Medical School
The CRP serves as the institutional infrastructure that encourages and supports its physician scientists by serving as an interface between clinical investigators and sponsors of clinical trials and outcomes research. We work to:
- Explore preferred relationships with pharmaceutical and biotech companies
- Link industry to physicians for consulting, advisory board seats, and trials
- Provide outcomes and disease management expertise
- Support the administration of clinical trials
- Negotiate master clinical trial agreements
The CRP provides a high level of clinical trial services to help investigators compete and meet the demands on industrial sponsors. Services to PIs include:
- Assistance with the IRB application
- Preparation and negotiation of budgets
- Contact facilitation
- Assistance in patient recruitment
- Data management support
- Assistance with strategy and proposal development for corporate-sponsored and investigator-initiated clinical trials
- Assistance with the development of large multi-center grant applications
In addition to its role as a facilitator, the CRP has developed and sponsored a series of educational courses and seminars for current and future investigators and study coordinators. These activities not only improve the quality of the investigators and study coordinators but also raise awareness within the institution about clinical research. Mentoring is available to young researchers by fostering collaborations with established investigators. New investigators are offered career advice and assistance in developing and conducting research studies.
Since communication plays a critical role within the research community, the CRP has developed an interrelated set of communication and clinical research tools: CRnet an on-line information source about clinical research at MGH; web-based query tools and patient data registries to characterize patient populations and assess clinical trial feasibility; software and databases for investigator-initiated patient data registries and disease management studies; and direct technical support for the clinical investigative community.
The Clinical Research Program provides the infrastructure necessary to support clinical research on an institution-wide basis. By fostering academic collaboration, effecting communication with industrial sponsors and promoting a focused and streamlined administrative process, the CRP is building a responsive culture conducive to clinical investigation.
Research Study Volunteer Program
RSVP for Health, the Research Study Volunteer Program, connects interested volunteers with researchers at the Massachusetts General & Brigham and Women's Hospitals. Volunteers come from all walks of life and can be of any gender, age, ethnicity or racial background. Studies need both healthy volunteers and people with an illness or inherited disorder.
We invite you to sign up for RSVP for Health to be notified about studies of interest to you or your family. By enrolling, you agree to receive information about studies and then you can decide whether to participate. . . . Medical breakthroughs are made possible by incredible people like you, who are willing to volunteer for clinical studies to help determine if research ideas hold promise.
Register online at or by phone 866-391-7030
Cardiology/Vascular Diseases
Dental/Maxillofacial Surgery
Dermatology/Plastic Surgery
Immunology/Infectious Diseases
Pulmonary/Respiratory Diseases
Trauma/Emergency Medicine
Kay Ryan
Director, Clinical Research Operations
Massachusetts General Hospital
Clinical Research Program
185 Cambridge Street, CPZN-2153
Boston, MA 02114
617-726-5501 (fax)
- A Cross-Sectional Study of Families with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- A Family Study of Trichotillomania
- A Multicenter Study for the Validation of ALS Biomarkers
- A Phase 1, Randomized Study to Evaluate the Safety of
Lactobacillus Rhamnosus GG ATCC 53103 (LGG) in Healthy Volunteers - A Phase 2/3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Davunetide for the Treatment of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
- A Phase II Clinical Study of the Safety and Efficacy of the Relay Thoracic Stent-Graft in Patients with Thoracic Aortic Pathologies
SEVERE ACNE - A randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, placebo-controlled study of oral BGS649 monotherapy assessing safety and tolerability in patients with moderate to severe endometriosis.
(CBGS649A2105) - A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of D-cycloserine augmentation of behavior therapy for body dysmorphic disorder
- A Study of Common Variation at the NPPA/B Locus and the Natriuretic Peptide Response to Saline Infusion
- A Study of the Natriuretric Peptide response to Feeding in Humans
- A study to assess the role of a gluten free-casein free diet in the dietary management of autism associated gastrointestinal disorders
- A three-phase study designed to test the efficacy, tolerability and safety of the
combination of Ziprasidone with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
Escitalopram for patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) that do not sufficiently
respond to treatment with Escitalopram - A three-phase study designed to test the efficacy, tolerability and safety of the
combination of Ziprasidone with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
Escitalopram for patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) that do not sufficiently
respond to treatment with Escitalopram - A three-phase study designed to test the efficacy, tolerability and safety of the
combination of Ziprasidone with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
Escitalopram for patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) that do not sufficiently
respond to treatment with Escitalopram - Acupuncture and Antihistamines Effects on Temperature Modulated Itch in Atopic Eczema using fMRI
- Acute Venous Thrombosis: Thrombus Removal with Adjunctive Catheterdirected Thrombolysis
- Amantadine Addition to Palperidone ER or Risperidone Consta Therapy for Prolactin Elevation
- An fMRI study of endogenous low back pain
- An Open Trial of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Pediatric Body
Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) - Are you a woman between 18-28 years old? Have you ever had anorexia nervosa?
- Are You HIV and Hepatitis C Positive?
- Are you HIV positive and having pain in your feet or legs?
- Are you noticing Brown Spots on your face?
- Assessing the Cortical Response to Painful Stimuli with Diffuse Optical Imaging
- Assessment of hepatitis C virus inhibiton by the grapefruit flavonoid naringenin: A pilot pharmacokinetic trial of a dietary supplement
- Assessment of hepatitis C virus inhibiton by the grapefruit flavonoid naringenin: A pilot pharmacokinetic trial of a dietary supplement
- Assessment of post-resection remote memory deficits in adults with focal-onset epilepsy
- Atrium iCAST Iliac Stent Pivotal Trial
- Behavioral Therapy for Facial and Neck Pain
- Body Image Treatment Research Studies
- Boys and girls with sleep apnea wanted for research study
- Carotid Angioplasty and Stenting versus Endarterectomy in Asymptomatic subjects who are at Standard Risk for Carotid Endarterectomy with Significant Extracranial Carotid Stenotic Disease (ACT 1)
- Carotid Stenting for High Surgical Risk Patients: Evaluating Outcomes Through the Collection of Clinical Evidence (CHOICE)
- CBT For Adherence and Depression in Diabetes
- Cerebrovascular Contributions to Brain Aging and Dementia
- Cerebrovascular Contributions to Brain Aging and Dementia
- Challenge Your Psoriasis
- Clinical Management of Neuropathic Pain with Ramelteon
- Clinical Trial of Ceftriaxone in Subjects with ALS
- Clinical Trial of High Fat/High Calorie versus High Calorie versus Optimal Nutrition in Subjects with ALS
- Clinically Meaningful Changes (CMC) Scale in the MDA/ALS Clinical Network
- Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Children and Adolescents With Bipolar Disorder
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Trichotillomania
- Computerized Information-Processing Bias Retraining in Adolescents with Depression: A Controlled Trial
- DAYLIGHT: Vitamin D therapy in individuals at high risk of
hypertension - Depression, DNA Damage, and Telomeres: A Chronic Stress Model of Accelerated Aging
- Depression, DNA Damage, and Telomeres: A Chronic Stress Model of Accelerated Aging.
- Development of a Convenient, Automated, Objective Measure of Depression
- Do you have ACNE ON YOUR BACK?
- Do you have ACNE ON YOUR BACK?
(Boil-like lesions, abscesses and scars on the armpits and groin)? - Do You Pull Out Your Hair?
- Duloxetine for Menopausal Depression
- Effect of Growth Hormone on Visceral Fat and Cardiovascular Risk Markers in Obese Teenage Girls
- Effect of Ketamine on Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia
- Effect of moxifloxacin on the QT interval: pilot
- Effectiveness of Acupuncture on Treating Major Depressive Disorder
- Effects of Aging and Estrogen on Cortical Function
- Effects of Aging and Estrogen on Cortical Function
- Effects of Aging and Estrogen on Cortical Function
- Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Skeletal Health
- Effects of Estrogen and Hot Flashes on Mood in Postmenopausal Women
- Efficacy of CBT for Adherence and Depression in HIV Care Settings
- Escitalopram for the treatment of postpartum depression
- Evaluating the Effect of Acupunture on Pain Relief Using QST
- Examining the neural circuitry of conditioned fear extinction in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder using fMRI
- Extended Duration Pharmacotherapy for Prevention of Relapse to Smoking
- Familial Intracranial Aneurysms (FIA) Study
- Familial Intracranial Aneurysms (FIA) Study
- Fat Mediated Modulation of Reproductive and Endocrine Function in Young Athletes
- Fat Mediated Modulation of Reproductive and Endocrine Function in Young Athletes
- Feasibility of the BrainGate2 Neural Interface System in Persons with Tetraplegia.
- Focal Dystonia: Genotype-Phenotype Correlation
- Gene Tobacco Interactions and Longitudinal Ovarian Function
- Gene/Tobacco Interactions and Ovarian Function
- Genetic and Epigenetic Studies of Schizophrenia: Healthy Subject Sample Collection
- Genetic Basis of Inherited Reproductive Disorders
- Genotype and Phenotype of Brainstem Injury in Autism, Project IV: Gene-environment interactions in a population exposed to a teratogen associated with autism
- Have you ever been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder or mania?
- Have you ever been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder or mania?
- Health Management Training to Enhance Influenza Vaccine Immunogenicity
- Health Management Training to Enhance Influenza Vaccine Immunogenicity
- Healthy females over the age of 10
- Healthy females over the age of 10
- Healthy Volunteers 21-40 years old wanted for study of Kisspeptin Physiology
- Healthy Volunteers 21-40 years old wanted for study of Kisspeptin Physiology
- Immune Responses Against HIV-1 in the Female Reproductive Tract
- Impact of Hot Flashes on Sleep and Mood Disturbance
- Impact of Hot Flashes on Sleep and Mood Disturbance
- Improving Outcomes in Pharmacotherapy of Social Phobia
- Improving Outcomes in Pharmacotherapy of Social Phobia
- In Vivo Confocal Endomicroscopy (EM) for Improved Diagnosis of Barrett's Esophagus (BE) and Associated Neoplasia: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial of Diagnostic Yield and Clinical Impact
- In Vivo Confocal Endomicroscopy (EM) for Improved Diagnosis of Barrett's Esophagus (BE) and Associated Neoplasia: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial of Diagnostic Yield and Clinical Impact
- Individual Variability Study on Analgesic Effect by Acupuncture and Pain Relief Pills
- Inflammatory Cellular Trafficking in Asthma in Response to Segmental Allergen Challenge
- Intensive Exercise to Improve Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Pediatric Obesity
- Massachusetts General Hospital Coma Survivor Study
- Massachusetts General Hospital Coma Survivor Study
- Measuring Predictors of Depressive Disorders in Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Metabolic and Psychosocial Changes Associated with Menopause among Women with HIV
- MGH Cardiovascular and Metabolic Patient Cohort Study
- National Pregnancy Registry for Atypical Antipsychotics
- Neural Correlates of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Depression
- Neural Probes of Respiratory Control and Interoception in Panic Disorder
- Neuroimaging Characteristics in Fabry Disease: Quantitation of Central Nervous
System White Matter Lesions - Neuroimaging of Depression
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Lovaza) for Second Generation Antipsychotic-Associated Hypertriglyceridemia
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Treatment of Major Depression:
Differential Effects of EPA and DHA, and Associated Biochemical and Immune Parameters - Optimizing the Treatment of Complicated Grief
- Optimizing the Treatment of Complicated Grief
- Pain Responses in Patients on Long-Term Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain
- Participant Database for Persons Interested in Research Studies of Developmental Disorders
- Participant Database for Persons Interested in Research Studies of Developmental Disorders
- Participant Database for Persons Interested in Research Studies of Developmental Disorders
- Pet Owner MRI Study
- Premanifest Huntington's Disease: Creatine Safety and Tolerability (Pre-CREST)
- Prospective Randomized investigation to evaluate incidence of headache reduction in subjects with Migraine and PFO using the Amplatzer PFO occluder compared to medical management
- Psoriasis Research Study
- Ragon Institute HIV Negative Protocol: Host Genetics, Immunology and Virology of HIV and Other Infectious Diseases
- Redistribution of Pulmonary Perfusion During Bronchoconstriction in Asthma
- Role of Gonadotropin Pulsations in the Reversal of Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
- Seeking Overweight Men
- Sleep and Cognition
- Spatiotemporal dynamics of contextual processing in schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
- Stem Cells for Research in Motor Neuron Diseases (MND)
- Stenting and Angioplasty with Protection in Patients at High-Risk for Endarterectomy
- Stress Reduction
- Stress Reduction Techniques for Adults with Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Stress Reduction Techniques for Adults with Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Study of MLN4924 in Adult Patients With Nonhematologic Malignancies
- Study of Vedolizumab (MLN0002) in Patients With Moderate to Severe Crohn's Disease
- Study of Vedolizumab (MLN0002) in Patients With Moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis
- Study of Vedolizumab in Patients With Moderate to Severe Crohn's Disease
- Subcutaneous omalizumab for treatment of chronic sinusitis with nasal polyposis (CRS/NP)
- Telmisartan as an Adjunctive Treatment for Metabolic Problems in Patients with Schizophrenia
- The Efficacy and Tolerability of Seroquel XR Combined with a Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitor versus Seroquel XR Monotherapy in the Acute Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder with Psychotic Features
- The Genetics of PCOS
- The Influence of Gonadal Hormones on Fear Extinction
- The oral contraceptive pill to treat premenstrual worsening of depression.
- The oral contraceptive pill to treat premenstrual worsening of depression.
- The Role of Adipose Distribution in Skeletal Homeostasis and Energy Homeostasis
- The Role of Adipose Distribution in Skeletal Homeostasis and Energy
Homeostasis - The Role of Appetite Regulating and Stress Hormones in the Genetics of Anorexia Nervosa
- This is a Phase III trial designed to evaluate an oral sorafenib combination treatment for advanced liver cancer. Liver cancer patients with disease that is not curable by surgical methods or treatable by local therapy are eligible.
- TODAY Genetics Study
- Vascutek Anaconda Stent Graft System Phase II IDE Study
- Vitamin D Deficiency in Adolescent Girls
- Volunteers with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism or Kallmann syndrome wanted for a research study of kisspeptin physiology
- Volunteers with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism or Kallmann syndrome wanted for a research study of kisspeptin physiology
Updated: 4/5/2011

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Updated: 3/4/2011

Updated: 5/18/2007

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Updated: 5/28/2009

Updated: 1/11/2016

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Updated: 3/26/2018

Updated: 5/1/2012

Updated: 4/17/2014

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Updated: 1/15/2013

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Updated: 3/14/2016

Updated: 3/21/2017

Updated: 12/12/2013

Updated: 9/21/2015

Updated: 2/1/2018

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Updated: 8/14/2014

Updated: 1/23/2013

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Updated: 3/23/2016

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Updated: 6/1/2015

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Updated: 12/17/2015

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Updated: 5/22/2017

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Updated: 4/3/2017

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Updated: 12/31/1969

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Updated: 9/19/2017

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Updated: 9/25/2017

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Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969